
After few seconds of laughter, I found a wall of silence between us. The wall was invisible but thick, and it was scaring me. I, so badly, wanted to break the wall, to ask him something silly, or say something dumb, anything would’ve felt better than this. But something kept choking words in my throatContinue reading “Wall:”


I love nights, dark starless nights or moonlight, starry sky. There is something very alluring about it, it calls out to my soul and all the chaos, I’ve been through the whole day, evaporates from my mind. And as the silver light of the beautiful night silently cascades through the curtains over the sheets, underContinue reading “Home”

By the Broken Window:

I used to wonder what goes on in the mind of one’s who go for suicides. What exactly they’re​ thinking while standing at the edge of a 30 story building or a cliff  or tip-toing at the stool, adjusting the knots around their neck? Do the happy faces, of their loved ones, crosses their mind?Continue reading “By the Broken Window:”

Am I loosing You…or Me?

I flick my cigarette and tune up the music, letting it fill the empty space. “…do you spend your life going back in your mind to that time? ’cause I, I walk the streets alone I hate being on my own…” The song…this song reminds me of ‘You’. And it’s funny, how you, still, couldContinue reading “Am I loosing You…or Me?”